What is the best age to collect Social Security?

What is the best age to collect Social Security? 🧐 Retirement Income Strategy for Claiming Social Security Benefits 💸

In this video I want to discuss what is the best age to collect social security benefits. We are going to look at the basics of collecting social security benefits as well as a real world example of claiming social security benefits at 62 vs claiming social security benefits at 67.

Social Security Benefits based on Age:

62-70% of Social Security Benefits

67-100% of Social Security Benefits

70-124% of Social Security Benefits

How to find out how much social security you will receive:

1. Go to SSA.gov (Social Security Administration)

2. Create a Social Security account

3. Look for your most recent social security statement

Want more information about social security or social security benefits? Check out these blogs:

How is Social Security Taxed: https://pearlwealthgroup.com/how-is-social-security-taxed/

How To Pay No Taxes on Social Security Benefits: https://pearlwealthgroup.com/how-to-pay-no-taxes-on-social-security/

Social Security Spousal Benefits Explained: https://pearlwealthgroup.com/social-security-spousal-benefits-explained/

**Free Retirement Download: The Roadmap to Retirement:** https://yourfinancialekg.com/#download

**To schedule your virtual retirement and investment consultation with Drew, please select a day & time that works best for you: https://calendly.com/pearlwealthgroup/discoverycall **

**Please make sure you talk with your CPA, Financial Advisor, Retirement Planner, or Investment Advisor Representative, before implementing any content from this channel. Please call me at 813-807-5060 to go through your Retirement Income, Retirement Investments, or Retirement Plan in more detail.**

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