Social Security Spousal Benefits Explained

Social Security Spousal Benefits Explained || Social Security Retirement Income

In this blog I want to talk about social security spousal benefits for those individuals and families who are married on social security, divorced and on social security, or widowed and on social security.

I want to talk about how you qualify for social security spousal benefits whether you are married, divorced, or widowed. I also want to discuss how work history, length of marriage, and remarriage will impact your social security spousal benefits.

I have seen too many clients over the years not understand social security or social security spousal benefits, so I created this video to help you understand your options with social security spousal benefits. Social security is a complex system that in order to take advantage, you must understand how the social security system works.

How you qualify for Social Security Spousal Benefits (Married):

1. You are at least 62–unless you are caring for a child under 16 or permanently disabled.

2. You have been married to your spouse for at least 12 months 3. Your spouse is already receiving social security retirement benefits

How you qualify for Social Security Spousal Benefits (Divorced):

1. You are not remarried

2. Your ex-spouse is over 62 (Does not have to be claiming Social Security Benefits)

3. Married for at least 10 years 4. If ex-spouse is deceased (see below)

How you qualify for Social Security Spousal Benefits (Widowed):

1. 100% of Spouse’s social security benefit if you wait until FRA

2. Remarriage does not impact social security spousal benefits

How To Find A Financial Advisor:

When Should I Claim Social Security Benefits:

To schedule a virtual appointment to learn about your options when it comes to social security benefits, please click here:

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